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Daily Declarations

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Prayer Guides

Welcome to the Prayer and Prophetic Blog page of Dr. Danielle and Power of Prayer Radio. Here you will find daily scriptures, encourging stories and rhema words that are given as we are praying. We are in great expectation of a mighty outpouring of God's presence in our city, state and nation. 2nd Chronicles 7:14-15 declares "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place." I believe God has chosen this place called "Bakersfield" to birth revival and an awakening that will impact our city, transform our state and shake the nations.

Our mission is to declare and release God’s word through strategic prayer initiatives and targeted intercession coupled with action to release the call to REPENT, REPAIR AND RETURN that will empower our city, impact our state and affect our nation. Our goal is to see God’s plan and purpose manifest on earth as it is in heaven through intercessory prayer. Join us as we journey on the glorious road to revival! ~ Dr. Danielle

Crossing the Jordan

The place of transition- Joshua 3

Joshua 3:1-6

Joshua rose early in the morning and they removed from Shittim and came to the Jordan, he and all the Israelites, and lodged there before passing over. 2 After three days the officers went through the camp, 3 commanding the people: When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God being borne by the Levitical priests, set out from where you are and follow it.

4 Yet a space must be kept between you and it, about 2,000 cubits by measure; come not near it, that you may [be able to see the ark and] know the way you must go, for you have not passed this way before.5 And Joshua said to the people, Sanctify yourselves [that is, separate yourselves for a special holy purpose], for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you. 6 Joshua said to the priests, Take up the Ark of the Covenant and pass over before the people. And they took it up and went on before the people.

Prophetic Word from Joshua 3

God speaks:

I am getting ready to change the lives of my people forever. And this change will usher them into their final resting place in me. I am looking for those who are willing to follow me and be obedient to my commands. I am building an army of faith walkers. Those who will not be stirred by what they see with their natural eyes, but those who will only move by what they see with their spiritual eyes.

Far too many believers have made the decision to bind themselves with the world. They have said in their hearts that they will follow the ways of man in order to gain man’s approval and attention. Little do they know that I am getting ready to change the plans of man. And man will have to make a choice as to whether or not they will obey and follow. This is a choice that each man will have to make. They must remember that I am the same God who allowed the children of Israel to wander around in the wilderness until all those who did not obey, who complained and was unwilling to follow me were dead. They did not enter into the promise land because of it. I am now giving my people a chance to change. To exchange their garments that man has laid upon them and take upon their holy garments, their priestly garments. There is a choice that must be made. (End of prohetic word.)

Each one of us has a Jordan that we must cross. And in order to cross that Jordan there are 3 things we are going to have to do. The place of transition and Dealing with self and flesh.We must choose to do the following:

1. Consecrate

2. Obey

3. Walk by faith

The things we do in consecration are not works of righteousness that merit God’s favor or overcome the enemies. Rather,

The acts of consecration:

A. Remove the barriers to God’s power,

B. Remove the barriers to fellowship,

C. Prepares our hearts to receive God’s grace:

D. Builds our faith so we will put our feet in the water, cross over, and go up against the enemy.

Why Consecration is so important to the believer:

(1) It reminds us of God’s holiness. God is absolute holiness, completely set apart from sin. He is a holy God who cannot have fellowship with sinful man or allow sin in His presence without a solution to the sin problem.

(2) It shows the necessity of sacrifice for sin or the cross of Christ. Without faith in the cross and its cleansing, no man can be set apart for God’s use or blessing.

(3) God does not use unclean vessels. For believers, those saved and cleansed by the work of Christ, this command for consecration demonstrates the necessity for cleansing through confession or getting right with God and with men in order to be used of God and to experience His deliverance. To experience God’s power, protection, and deliverance, we need to prepare our hearts and deal with the known sin in our lives through confession (cf. Josh. 7:13; with Ex. 19:10, 22).

Let's do whatever it takes to postion ourselves to be ready to cross the Jordan and claim into the promises of God.

God is bringing the body of Christ into a brand new place and we must prepare to cross the Jordan and follow him. It is of great importance that we keep ou eyes fixed and focusesd on HIM ONLY becasue we do not know the way we should go. If we allow the presence of God to lead our daily lives, we will enter into the end time realm, power and provision that is promised for believers of Jesus Christ.

Dr. Danielle

Power of Prayer radio


There is no greater gift you can give your pastor and the spiritual leaders of your church than to pray for them.Pastors cannot win the battle alone; they need committed intercessors to lift them up in fervent, specific prayer. Imagine how the power of God might be released in our churches if we were to pray faithfully for our pastors. They grow tired in ministry, are tempted to sin, and may find it difficult to balance their many roles and responsibilities. They need the encouragement and support of those they lead. Prayer for your pastor is crucial to the spiritual health of your pastor, his family, and your church. God will reward your efforts to cover him in prayer!

Prayer For Pastors

Ps 31:23..........Father, I thank You that our pastors are faithful,

Ps 31:23..........and that You preserve them.

Prov 28:20........That they abound with blessings,

Gal 6:9.............and do not grow weary in well doing.

Phil 1:6.............That You who began a good work in them will perfect it.

Eph 2:10...........They are Your workmanship created in Christ Jesus,

Heb 13:21.........and equipped in every good thing to do Your will.

Heb 13:21..........Work in them that which is well-pleasing in Your sight.

2Cor 9:8............Let all grace abound toward them, having sufficiency in all things,

2Cor 9:8...........and an abundance for every good work.

2Cor 9:6...........Because they have sowed bountifully, they will reap bountifully,

1Cor 3:6...........and whether they plant or water, Father, You give the increase.

2Cor 2:14..........I pray that they continually triumph in Christ,

2Cor 2:14..........diffusing the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.

Deut 28:2..........That all blessings come upon them and overtake them,

Deut 28:2..........because they obey the voice of their God.

Ps 32:8.............Instruct them and teach them in the way they should go;

1Cor 2:10..........reveal the deeper things of God to them by Your Spirit.

2Tim 2:21..........Let them be vessels of honor, sanctified and useful for the Master,

2Tim 2:21..........prepared for every good work.

1Pet 5:2...........Shepherding the flock willingly, eagerly, and being an example to them.

1Cor 2:4...........Their speech and preaching is in demonstration of the Spirit and power.

2Tim 4:2...........And they are instant in season and out of season to preach the Word.

Josh 1:3............Every place the soles of their feet tread upon has been given to them.

Deut 31:6..........They are strong and of good courage for You, Lord, go with them.

Ps 27:14...........They wait on You, and You strengthen them in their heart.

Titus 1:5............Help them set in order things that are lacking,

Titus 1:5............and appoint elders in every city.

2Cor 10:4...........I tear down the strongholds over the pulpit.

Ex 17:11............I lift up our pastors and cover them

Heb 12:24..........with the blood of Jesus.

Deut 28.............Sickness and disease shall in no way come near them,

Gal 3:13............for they are redeemed from the curse of the law.

Isa 54:17...........I say that no weapon formed against them will prosper,

Isa 54:17...........and every tongue rising against them shall be shown to be in the wrong.

Cor 12:11..........Father, let the gifts and anointings on their lives come forth.

Luke 1:45..........Birth the things that You have spoken to them in their hearts,

Acts they continually give themselves to prayer

Acts 6:4............and the ministry of the Word.

Prayer For Pastor's Family

1Pet 4:8...........Father, I pray that their family members love one another.

1Pet 4:9...........That they are hospitable to one another without complaint.

1Pet 4:11.........Serving by the strength that You supply,

1Pet that in all things You may be glorified.

1Thes 5:11.......I pray that they encourage one another, comfort, edify,

Acts 20:32.......and build one another up.

Mt 18:19..........That they stand in agreement in every area of their lives,

Neh 8:10..........Letting the joy of the Lord be their strength,

Col 3:15...........with the peace of God ruling in their hearts.

Ps 138:8..........Father, I thank You that You're perfecting

Ps 138:8..........everything concerning them.

Ps 92:10..........Anoint them with fresh oil.

Ps 103:5..........Satisfy them with good things,

Ps 103:5..........So that their youth is renewed like the eagle's.

Ps 92:14..........In old age they shall still bear fruit,

Ps 92:14..........and be fresh and flourishing.

Ps 91:16..........With a long life You will satisfy them.

Job 1:10...........Father, place a hedge of protection

Job 1:10...........around them, around their household,

Job 1:10...........and around all that they have on every side.

Ps 34:7............I thank You that the angel of the Lord encamps

Ps 34:7............round about them and delivers them from all evil,

Ps 91:3............from the snare of the fowler, from every pestilence,

Ps 91:10..........and that no plague will come near their dwelling.

Prov 3:24..........They shall lie down and their sleep shall be sweet.

Prov 16:7..........Because their ways please You Lord,

Prov 16:7..........You make their enemies to be at peace with them.

Deut 29:9..........They keep Your word and do it,

Deut 29:9..........therefore, they prosper in all that they do.

Jn 15:4.............Because they abide in You and delight them selves in You,

Ps 37:4............You give them the desires of their heart.

1Pet 5:6............And because they humble themselves, exalt them in due season.

1Pet 4:19..........I thank You Father that they are committed to You, to doing good,

1Pet 5:7...........casting all their cares upon You, for You care for them.

1Pet 5:8...........That they are sober, vigilant, continually resisting the devil,

1Pet 5:9...........and steadfast in their faith.

1Pet 5:10..........Father, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle them in Jesus' name


by prayerunlimited


• Repent of sins you have committed. Repent on behalf of the body of Christ and his servants.

• Ask the lord to revive you, to visit you in a new way, to pour his spirit upon you, to break harness of sin in your life and to take over your life

• Ask the lord to forgive you for disobeying his commands, first being not loving Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.

• Ask the lord to heal our land

• Pray for a spirit of repentance upon God’s people

• Ask the lord to send the purging fire of revival in your heart, then to the church of Jesus Christ in your area/city/nation(s)

• Labor as you pray for God’s revival fire to sweep over the land

• Pray that God will establish righteousness

• Ask the lord to uproot and burn the bad roots that produce bad fruits in our lives

• Pray for Godly leaders to be elected in public offices at every level. Ask the lord to root out those who use wicked powers to sustain themselves in power

• Ask God to remove wicked rulers

• Ask the lord to break Satan’s hold on government and that righteous rule shall be established

• Pray that God’s will shall be established in our generation

• Ask the lord to visit the ancient gates that have stood against his decrees in the land and destroy them

• Ask the lord to pour his spirit upon the young, the old and even the maid servants as per his word in Joel 2:28

• Ask God to shake every desert and wilderness facing the church

• That the gates of our cities, towns, nations etc shall be opened for the king of glory to enter. Ask the lord to repair the gates of the church by his holy spirit:

The valley gate

The gate of the fountain (representing flow of the Holy Spirit)

• Sheep gate (representing apostolic ministry)

• Fish gate (representing evangelism ministry)

• Old gate (moves of the past)

• Dung gate (deliverance ministry)

• Water gate (preaching and teaching)

East gate (representing the glory of God)

• Pray that these gates shall be opened continually to receive his blessings

• Ask the lord to destroy demonic foundations laid in our villages, families, towns, cities and nations

• That the lord shall silence altars that speak against his children day and night

• For the lord to crush powers, authorities, principalities, rulers and wicked spirits in the heavenlies, earth and the sea which wage war against the church

• Pray that many shall receive Christ as lord

• Ask the lord to raise a victorious army to stand in the gap in our generation, a people who shall call upon him day and night

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