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Welcome to Intercession From the Holy Land

You have armed me with strength for the battle…Psalm 18:39a

Your City Needs You...Sign Up Today!

I'm Ready to


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Are You Ready to Answer the Call?​​

I am looking for a Kingdom Representative from Every State and Nation to stand in the Gap in intercession.  If you would like to represent your State, you will be join me for  weekly online prayer (only open to Kingdom Representatives) where we will pray and intercede for the nations. I will share prophetic insight and give updates on what God is saying and doing in the Kingdom.  

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Are You Ready to Answer the Call?​​

​​Prayer an Ambassador represents his/her home city or region and serves as a Battle Ax of the Lord to war against the works of wickedness.

​​What Is A Prayer Ambassador?

Prayer an Ambassador represents his/her home city or region and serves as a Battle Ax of the Lord to war against the works of wickedness.

A Prayer Ambassador

These are those who are trained and equipped to do battle in the heavenly realms. Those who will become the eyes and ears of their city and WATCH, PROTECT their city and State from the encroachment of demonic activity.

Ambassadors use their unique abilities to war in the spiritual realms against the works of darkness.

Ambassadors are faithful who are committed to making a lasting impact in their city and state through the power of prayer and the demonstration of Prayer in Action on a weekly basis.

​​Prayer Ambassador Duties

To serve in prayer through a daily or weekly prayer gathering in the center of your home city. To use scriptural decrees to war against the works of darkness. To dismantle and block satanic altars erected to serve as places of worship for Satan.​​​

Sign Up To Join Apostle Wright in Intercession for the Nations.​​


Contact Number

Email Address*

I Am Interested in (Check All That Apply). If none, skip to next question.
As A Prayer Ambassador, I Am Committing to Joining Apostle Wright One Time A Week For Online Prayer.*

Thank you for signing up to be a Kingdom Representative (Prayer Ambassador). We look forward to praying with you and sharing more information about Intercession From the Holy Land With You.

Levels of Engagement

Prayer Leader - Ambassador:

This is someone who has experience in the art of Spiritual Warfare using strategic level warfare tactics. A prayer ambassador will occasionally lead online weekly prayer with Dr. Danielle, share prayer points, and prophetic insight about their State. 

Prayer Ambassador:

Supports and works alongside the Lead Ambassador while fully engaging in weekly prayer calls while covering the lead ambassador in intercession. A prayer ambassadors is committed to a showing up, supporting, and praying for your Nation.

Worship Ambassador:

This ambassador is one who worships as prayer! You may have the unique skill of dance, flag, or shofar worship and are willing to use your gift in cities and states as the Lord leads. Like the prayer ambassador you are committed to showing up, supporting, and praying for your State and Nation. 

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