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Revitalizing Glory

Day One- 100 Days of Prayer

Upon waking this morning I was nudged by the Holy Spirit with the words "Revitalizing Glory." I immediately begin to thank Him for speaking to me and then enquired about what He meant by those words. And as I begin to pray and seek the face of the Father He spoke and explained to me that he was bringing "Vitality" back into the heart of the believer and His church.

Merriam dictionary defines "Revitalize" as:

A. to give new life or vigor to. to make (someone or something) active, healthy, or energetic again.

And if you were to do a word study on the word revitalize you would find that it is two words in one. The first word being

RE- which means to "Back Again"

Vital(ize)- to give life to; of or manifesting life- to live

So what is God saying to us on this day. He is saying that what had no life will begin to live again. He is going to breathe his "Pnuema" or his breath into the heart of every believer bringing us to a place of life. God wants to REVIVE and RESTORE. Psalm 85:4 says "Restore us O God of our salvation and the 6th verse proclaims, Will You not revive us again,That Your people may rejoice in You?

Our spiritual life should be fully surrendered and dependent on God imparting to us his mercy, grace as we humble our hearts in repentance asking for forgiveness of our sins. Let us look to God the Father, the one who wants to give us life, hope and revitalize his body. REVIVE US O LORD! After praying God allowed me to pen this poem called "Revitalizing Glory." God bless and please leave your comments below.

Revitalizing Glory- By Dr. Danielle Wright

The glory that once shined ever so bright, has now become a very dim light. When we look at the world and the churches therein, it’s hard to see where the glory begins. With so much darkness and so much pain, our only hope is in Your glorious reign. We your people who are called by your name, need to be revitalized so that we can gain. Gain new ground, and gain new souls, we will not allow the enemy to defeat us anymore. With the sword of the spirit, with worship and praise, with prayer and intercession and with our hands up raised. We will seek your face until you rain on our land, praying day and night until we see your glorious hand.

So, Heavenly Father we pray this day for your glory to come in a revitalizing way. We have seen your glory shine from above, but lord we pray that you would now shower us with your glorious love. Come Lord and invade this earth, shine your glory let us see our worth. We have been called to be, a light on a hill, the salt of the earth and ministers on fire with zeal. We are repairers of the breach and watchmen on the wall, the called out ones that will go win souls. Release your glory, release your fire and rekindle our hearts with Your kingdom desire. In Jesus name we PRAY. Amen

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